HydroSpider AG – a company owned by H2 Energy, ALPIQ and Linde – has been producing green hydrogen in Niedergösgen since 2020. Wasserstoff-Produktion Ostschweiz AG – a joint venture between SAK (St.Gallisch-Appenzellische Kraftwerke AG), the Osterwalder Group and SN Erneuerbare Energie AG (SNEE) – started producing green hydrogen in Kubel (SG) at the beginning of 2023. The first production plant in western Switzerland – in Schiffenen – was inaugurated at the end of 2023. Further production facilities are already under construction or in the planning stage.
From water to water – a perfect cycle

Hydrogen production in Switzerland
The closed water cycle
The production of 100% green hydrogen is possible thanks to the carbon dioxide-free process: in a transformer, the electricity generated from hydropower is reduced to a voltage of 400 volts and converted into direct current. Demineralised drinking water is then split into hydrogen and oxygen using renewable electricity. This hydrogen is compressed to 350 bar using a compressor and pumped into swap bodies. After these are brought to the refuelling station, hydrogen vehicles can be refuelled. As these only emit water, the cycle is closed.
Working together for a sustainable future
Working together for a sustainable future
With the founding of the H2 Mobility Switzerland Association in May 2018, well-known transport companies, logistics companies, major distributors and petrol station operators created a platform to create a globally unique and functioning hydrogen ecosystem in partnership with H2Energy, Hydrospider AG and Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility AG.
With the founding of Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility Germany GmbH in April 2022, Hyundai Motor Company and H2Energy set the next strong signal for the decarbonisation of road transport in Europe’s largest truck market.
Infrastructure and refuelling stations
Infrastructure and refuelling stations
The number of hydrogen refuelling stations is constantly growing. The initial focus is on Switzerland and Germany. Other European countries are also preparing to set up a hydrogen refuelling station network.
The Hyundai Xcient Fuel Cell is refuelled with 350 bar. The refuelling stations must be certified according to the CEP protocol in order to meet the technical requirements.